Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Witch's Farewell (Meal 2)

The second farewell meal with Witch was a lunch. This time, it's in Dragon-i!!! Actually, I chose it because Dragon-i is one of those restaurants where it's just queer to eat alone in... I usually just "ta bau" and eat at home while watching infinite numbers of tv series :P.

Anyway, here are the food that we ordered that day.

Sze Chuan Noodle

First, up the Witch ordered Sez Chuan Noodle which is what I ordered too... only I ordered a different type of noodle and with additional fried pork.

Sze Chuan Noodle with fried pork

This dish is quite nice and the type of noodle I selected (forgot what name d :P) is nice as well... I think it's something "hand-chopped" type noodle :P. However, you should not order the one with fried pork ler... it's salty and hard... yup, rock hard. :(

Our other companion, whom I shall refer as Hamdan ordered a more conservative type of noodle. Again, forgot the name d... but I shall call it as Teriyaki Noodle since the soup looks like soy sauce base. :P

"Teriyaki" Noodle

His pork on the other hand, looks much better than my fried one... and no, I did not try it... don't dare to take his food... he's somewhat like Joey... *hint... hint* :P

Last but not least, is the famed Dragon Pau... which I always ordered everytime I visit Dragon-i. To be frank, the quality seemed to have gone a downward spiral as of late and the soup in the pau is actually not piping hot... which is not a bad thing, but it gave me the impression that it is not fresh out of the oven... I know... I know, I complain if it's hot anyway... I'm a difficult customer to please. :P

Shanghai Dragon Pau (forgot the official name :)

It was an educational meal... since Hamdan is in the IT line and I caught up on the advances in technologies in recent years in just one meal! Talk about time well spent!

I know I suck at introducing food to people... but hey, it's not like I'm eating something that is available at where I'm staying... it's a franchise mah... I'm sure you have eaten there before... if you haven't, you should try it... though I must say that it is definitely not worth waiting in the long lines that is usually present in the weekends... but then again, I rarely buy something to eat that require to wait more than 10 minutes.

Oh, remember to bring your Direct Access credit card... got 10% discount!


iamthewitch said...

Haha Hamdan is like Joey meh?? I didn't notice :P

Yin Hoon said...

Hey, Shanghai Dragon Pau (was that really the name used in the menu? Shouldn't it be Shanghai Little Dumpling or something close? :p) is also my favourite from Dragon-i!

Hamdan is like Joey? Which part of Joey? :p

Bamboo said...

iamthewitch: no, not really... just running out of clever things to say :P... besides, he doesn't have this web address... so I can say anything about him :P

yin hoon: now that you mentioned it, yes, it's called shanghai dumplings :P... sorry ler... I translated directly from Cantonese mah :P