Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Director: Michael Bay
Running time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Genre: Sci-Fi, Action
Two years after the events of the first film, the Autobots are working with humans to kill the rest of the Decepticons. Starscream, on the other hand attempts to revive Megatron while Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) gets a taste of college before he found himself caught in a web he couldn't untangle by himself as something more sinister than Megatron is after him!
I'm not much of a fan in robots, so all those flashy car into robot transformation did not really impress me even though all the children in the cinema were 'ooohing' and 'aaahing'. However, I must admit that this movie is worth a try.
There are enough plot twists to keep you mesmerized and the comedic actions interspersed well with the adrenaline triggering actions. The fact that the director managed to insert some comedy even in a dire situation and do well (the orange smoke situation) is something that should be applauded.
The downside (for me) of this movie is that there are too many robots... and I could not keep track all of them apart from the famous few like Optimus Prime, Magatron, Starscream, Bumblebee and the twins Skids and Mudflap. Others felts more like a sidekick and there is not much screen time for them enough for me to differentiate between them.
Still, I don't know why the super big boss in the movie is so afraid of Optimus Prime. I mean, Optimus' rival is Megatron and since this big boss is even more powerful than Megatron, why would he be so afraid of him? Surely he did not anticipate Optimus getting a power boost as the end.
Still, the fighting was super cool and action packed although this second time, Optimus seemed to be so much more powerful... he was having some problem in disposing Megatron in the first movie and now he was swatting him around like a fly even without his power boost.
Anyway, this is definitely a good enough movie for you to watch in cinemas... but be aware, the reception of this movie is so great that even the GSC website had to be redecorated to handle the extra traffic and the 11.30 am movie was actually fully booked on Sunday... I have always thought that I'm one of the few crazies that watch movie so early in the morning... and when I watch this movie on Monday, a workday, it was still more than two third full!
And maybe you should consider watching the first instalment of this movie first before watching the second as you might be a little confused with the movie in the beginning.
Observation: In the movie, it is stated that the body of Megatron is located in the North Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 9000 fathoms, a little over 10 miles. The deepest point of ocean in the world is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, just around 6000 fathoms.
Bottomline: A movie that is good enough that can perk the interest of those who are not interested in this genre.
Bamboo Rating: 3.8 / 5.0
you watched it on a working monday morning? hmmm.... no need to work?
CY: I took leave lah... forced leave :(
oh dear... that'd probably explain the crowd in the theater.
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