Saturday, October 10, 2009

Car Accidents and Curiousity

I was driving in my car yesterday listening to the radio when I heard something really funny and impossible.

There was a car accident in a highway and the lane where there's accident had car jam up till 1km distance. The lane on the other direction, which did not have car accident, has car jam up till 2km length because everyone is stopping to have a good view!

Humans never ceased to amaze me... if you want to help, then by all means, stop by the side of the road and help, but if you're not helping, you're just making it difficult for ambulances to reach the accident site! It is my theory that humans slow down to watch a car accident not only because they are curious but also to show concern. By slowing down, they are trying to say that they want to help but they can't since they have some other things better than to save a stranger. If you don't want to save someone, drive away and let others come and save them... there's no need to act all concern about it only to prevent others who wanted to help by jamming up the road... not to mention, it affected me as well as they make me stuck in a car jam that theoretically is not supposed to be there!


Yin Hoon said...

Some people slow down to check out the car plate number... to buy the lottery :p

Bamboo said...

Yin Hoon: Really? Never really thought of that... maybe I should have a try and see if it works :P

Yin Hoon said...

Hahaha... yes, I have a friend who won once...

Maybe you can try. Just remember to give me a big treat when you do win :p